Trailblazing Takes Courage

"… [R]emain true to your truth, voice and passion in all that you do… [W]hat’s the cost for those who remain silent, who choose respectability and fear over critical movement against the status quo? I’ve never been one to feed the status quo, nor do I plan to ever be.

"For me, feminism is a way of life, a way of living, and a form of survival–not my hustle. A huge part of my feminist politics is speaking my truth the way I want to speak it. No one gets to dictate that for me. To be sure, I’m charting my own course. And, I truly believe that the universe will make room for it. In some small ways it already has. To be sure, trailblazing takes courage, uncomfortability, and innovation. My unapologetic quest toward truth and truth speaking demand all of the above and then some…"    

— Tamura A. Lomax, co-founder of The Feminist Wire (c/o, 12/8/12)
